How to Verify CE Certification?

Recently, anti-epidemic materials such as protective masks, protective clothing, and goggles have become popular products on the market. As the world’s largest producer of protective equipment, Chinese companies have also ushered in a period of business explosion. CE certification, as a necessary document for the legal sale of Chinese products in the European Union, has recently become the focus of the market. CE certificates issued by various certification agencies and intermediary companies have dazzled Chinese companies. Below, we will teach you how to verify CE certification.

1. What is the EU classification for protective masks?

How to Verify CE Certification?

There are three levels of protective masks. They are FFP1, FFP2, and FFP3 (as shown in the figure below). All three are typical styles of protective masks.

The applicable regulations for protective masks are (EU) 2016/425 Personal Protective Equipment Regulations, which are Class III products.

The test standard is EN149: 2001 + A1: 2009.

2. CE certification mode for protective masks

According to (EU) 2016/425 PPE regulations, protective masks must obtain Module B (type inspection certification) + Module C2 (internal quality control + random inspection of product random inspection) or Module D (quality control of production process) certificate, for legal sale in the EU.

In simple terms, one must choose Module B + Module C2 or Module B + Module D.

3. How to Verify CE Certification?

We can go to the database query on the official website of the issuing agency. As long as the EU CE certification is compliant, it can be found on the agency’s official website. The query page of the TUV Rheinland website is Just enter the certificate registration number in the circled red box, and the result will be flashed immediately.

How to Verify CE Certification?

4. What kind of certification body can engage in CE certification of protective masks?

Only certification notified bodies authorized by the European Commission (EU) 2016/425 PPE regulatory mask products Module B, Module C2 and/or Module D are authorized to engage in CE certification activities of protective masks.

Any certification announcement agency without PPE regulations, certification announcement agencies without Module B, C2, and/or D qualifications, and intermediary agencies that are not certification announcement agencies, have no authority to conduct CE certification activities for protective masks.

At present, it is possible that a large number of unqualified certification bodies and intermediaries use companies’ lack of understanding of EU regulations, misleading companies to make wrong choices, and issuing a large number of invalid CE certificates. This makes enterprises face a problem in exporting to the EU Enormous business and legal risks.

There are four steps to confirm whether a certification company is a formal PPE CE certification agency and can perform CE certification activities on protective masks.

Step 1: Check the official website of the European Union for information about the notified body

Attach here the website and the sample certificate to be queried.

How to Verify CE Certification?

All certification notified bodies with the authorization of the European Commission are publicized on this website. You can query the information and authorized scope of the notified body according to the certification notified body number.


2Step 2: Check whether the certification notified body has PPE Regulation (EU) 2016/425 authorization

The scope of authorization of each certification notified body is different. Without the authorization of PPE Regulation (EU) 2016/425, it cannot to perform CE certification activities of protective masks, and the certificates issued by it are not in compliance with EU laws.

If the institution is authorized by the PPE Regulation (EU) 2016/425, the scope of its qualifications is shown below:


Step 3: Check whether the certification notified body has a small category of respiratory protection

There are nine categories of product authorizations under the PPE regulations, and the scope of authorization of each PPE certification announcement body is also different. Without the small category of respiratory protection, even the PPE certification notified body cannot engage in CE certification activities of protective masks.

For the query method, click the “HTML” or “PDF” link on the right side of the PPE authorization on the official website to check whether there is a small category of respiratory protection authorization, as shown in the red box in the figure below:


Step 4: Check whether the certification notified body can be authorized by Module B, C2 or D

The certification notified body is only entitled to issue Module B, C2 and / or D certificates if it has complete qualifications. The authorization display is shown in the red box in the figure below:


Manufacturers can only enter the EU market legally after obtaining a Module B + Module C2 certificate or a Module B + Module D certificate.

If the certification notified the body only has the authorization of some Module B, C2 or D, then it has no right to issue certificates without accreditation, and the company holds its certificate and cannot legally sell in the EU market.

5. Which CE certificates are on the market that do not comply with EU regulations?

There are many CE certificates in circulation on the market today, and it is difficult for companies to judge which are legal and which do not comply with EU law. The following shows the CE certificates of protective masks that do not comply with EU regulations, hoping to help everyone master the method of identification.

The following certificates are from the Internet and are based on comments from relevant EU regulations.

ECM 1282

Italian Notified Body



Italian certification notified body ENTE CERTIFICAZIONE MACCHINE SRL

Bulletin number 1282

The agency does not have PPE Regulation (EU) 2016/425 authorization, so it cannot to issue CE certification for protective masks, which does not comply with EU law!



China Intermediary Company



A Chinese intermediary company, not a European Union certification notified body, cannot issue CE certificates for protective masks, which have no legal effect!

CELAB 2037

Italian Notified Body


Italian Notified Body

CELAB SRL Bulletin No. 2037

The agency does not have PPE Regulation (EU) 2016/425 authorization, so it cannot to issue CE certification for protective masks, which does not comply with EU law!


AENOR 0099

Spanish Certification Notifier

How to Verify CE Certification?

Spanish certification notified body AENOR INTERNACIONAL, S.A., bulletin number 0099

Although the agency has a small category of masks authorized by PPE Regulation (EU) 2016/425, the agency can only conduct Module D audits and has no right to issue Module B type inspection certificates. Therefore, the CE certificate for protective masks issued by it does not comply with EU law!

How to Verify CE Certification?

ICR 2703

Polish Certification Notified Body


How to Verify CE Certification?

Polish Certification Notified Body ICR Polska Sp. Z o.o., Bulletin No. 2703

The agency is not without PPE Regulation (EU) 2016/425 authorization. So it cannot issue CE certification for protective masks, which does not comply with EU law!

How to Verify CE Certification?